What is Deep Tissue massage?
Deep Tissue massage, aka Connective Tissue Massage, is a massage technique that takes the skin and underlying fascia as entree to promote healing and recovery to the body. These massage techniques I do alongside the spine. This will trigger your nervous system to send signals to your brain and then back to the parts that are being blocked, helping it open up and flow again. Then we will use other several massage therapies to further work on the healing of the body.
In this session, I mostly work with deep tissue techniques and intuitively add other forms which I see suitable like Relax massage,Foot massage or Thai massage.
Want to read more about Deep Tissue Massage aka Connective Tissue Massage? Follow this link: Connective Tissue Massage
Works effective for long lasting pain
Get rid of back pain, shoulder pain, tingeling sensations
60 min – 60€ | 75 min – €70 | 90 min – €80